"A great level of surrender is achieved when one stands on the very edge of one's gravest fear and knows, in that moment, that there is nothing to fear."

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sorry for the absence!


Sorry for the absence everyone! We haven't had much time to update the blog due to long days and exhaustion.... and... laziness... sorry.. :P 
We've been in Nebraska for about 8 days now (including a relaxation day) and its been absolutely amazing. We left you guys off when we were in Iowa and wow... So much has happened since that moment. 
We are in a coffee shop at the moment so not much time because we do have to keep going and get to Wyoming today ;) but we'll try to fill you in on most of what's happened since that moment.

Sun setting near the water in Iowa. You can barely see a house in the distance over looking its lake.

Gorgeous rolling hills in Iowa. Those circle things are HAY! :P

Just the regular scene in a subway. Chillin'

Another nice sunset with a train passing by. Gorgeous landscape.

The trials and tribulations we go through haha. Roberts tire that got punctured, so a duct tape seal shall do. And it hasn't gone bad yet! :)

We met Mr. Wayne Donohue who was an absolutely amazing man. He helped us so much! Even though he closed down his shop a while back, he helped us out to the best of his abilities. His youthfulness and will to always push himself to bike more and do 24 hour races and long distance races throughout his old age inspired us to push ourselves as well. He also gave us Mirrors for our helmets and/or sunglasses. Yes! Go buy them! Safety sport Mirror company. We swear by them, it could save your life today! :)

Robert, then Marcel, then Francis in Iowa.

A high school we passed coming into Omaha, Nebraska! Absolutely insane! Can't believe this is a high school.

The flatness in Nebraska. Absolutely awe inspiring. You can see the hay in the back.

We also had the honor of meeting a practical angel in our time of despair. He was an officer named Michael Wright in the town of Neligh, Nebraska. We got into a little accident due to a family of stray kittens and Alfred's lack of thought as he turned his bike towards them and there wasn't enough time for Marcel to swerve, thus resulting in a semi bent back wheel. Everything was okay in the end, but we were driven 40 miles to Oneill by Joe McNally and we knew God was watching over us. We were able to make it to Valentine the next day and actually did 110 miles!! Our new record. As if we hadn't had enough miracles, Alfred's amazing sister offered to help out and actually got us guys a motel room to end our miraculous day. We all are so grateful and our bodies were even more grateful when we got serenaded by the beautiful hot water that's so commonly called a shower.

Entering the Mountain Time Zone! Now 2 hours behind Eastern time. Felt good knowing that we made so much progress and that we're almost two thirds done!

One of the smallest towns we've encountered on this trip! Only 20 people!!! :P

We wish you could all be with us as we trek through the gorgeous scenery that is in the middle of the amazing Nebraska. This is only one of the many amazing landscapes that we encountered. 

A herd of cows all just watching us. Had to stop and snap a pic.

Absolutely beautiful.

At the top of a massive hill. Seems like the road is never ending. 

Marcel riding into the sunset. 

Oh the interesting things we see as we pass through republican country. Remember! Pull your head out before its too late! 

Ending sunset to a gorgeous, diverse day. Full of canyons, buttes, prairie, valleys, mountains, lakes, and farm land.

A mouthwatering banana split enjoyed by our very own Robert Abendroth after a plentiful meal. Thanks to Marcel's dad for this, who lets us convert our largest miles of each state into dollars for a good meal or a hotel. 

And thus you see the iced Caramel Macchiato and iced Mocha enjoyed by Marcel and Alfred to start off a hot last day in Nebraska. We'll be entering Lusk, Wyoming by the end of today. 

We hope that will sustain everyone's voracious appetites for details concerning our trip, until the next time we can update you guys, we thank you for all your support and for reading about our crazy adventure.
